Sunday, 13 September 2015

One Step At A time

So after starting the Jnct Firefox Club the next thing to focus was contributions by fellow fsa's, but how could we work together? I mean a chat app cant provide with the level of connection that is actually required in such stuff. The queries were increasing each day as we had new joinees. So finally i thought to have the first official meet of the club and the venue was choosen to be Db Mall Bhopal.

Usually people prepare lines and quotes and what not to motivate the team but somewhere deep down i knew that this team doesn't needs motivation all they need is guidance and the rest would be legend to be told in coming years.

The bromoz consited of me,Piyush Singhal,Yash Sonune,Shubham Shrivastav,Sukesh Kumar and Shrey Soni while the womoz had Riya Gupta,Shivani Pandey,Rashmi Shrivastav and Priyanka Mehre.

The meeting began at somewhere around 1:30pm and continued till 3:00 pm. Topics like Fsa registration, Roles of Fsa, Contributions and how to show them,Arrival of windows 10, posts in the club and club's future plans were discussed.

The coding team Yash,Shubham,Shivani and Piyush also shared their vision of building firefox apps and also enriched us with basic Html and Css.

The club now has:

Campaign Lead- Rashmi,Priyanka And Shubham
Event Lead- Pushkar
Code Lead- Yash, Shubham, Shivani and Piyush
Content Lead- Riya,Sukesh,Shrey
Design/Creativity Leads- Pushkar,Sukesh and Himanshu
Photography Leads- Shrey

The club plans to hold a workshop on Mozilla Awareness and Fsa in Jnct Soon
Fingers Crossed!

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